
I love to practice yoga sorrounded by the elements of nature. There’s nothing like connecting deeply with the Earth as you expand your pose to the openness of the sky. Medicine and prana are all around us, it’s all about feeling worthy of receiving these blessings in abundance.


In my own healing journey I’ve come across different alternative therapies such a the Womb Blessing. Because of this I decided to become a Moon Mother so that I could continue expanding that healing wave towards other women. It has truly changed my life.


I am very passionate about supporting others become the most genuine version of themselves. I enjoy organizing meditations and healing sessions, usually around the full moon and the dark moon in order to celebrate the cyclic energy that governs the universe. Yoga is all about unity and comunity, together we grow, together we heal, together we bloom.


And of course, as a good Aries with an ascendant in Gemini, I am an adventurous creature. I’ll go wherever my feet can take me. From the ocean to the high mountains. The more I’m surrounded by nature, the better I feel.


  1. Sí. Valeria, qué mecanismo inimaginablemente maravilloso, permite que apartemos las tinieblas y abramos los ojos, para acceder y manipular el interminable espectro de colores que flotan en la eternidad, que acciona e inspira mentes y corazones para que nuestras almas abstraigan ideas sin límite de lo ignoto, y podamos darle forma y significado….. a la nada?.
    Sólo el único Poder, existente desde siempre…El Señor!.

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